The pandemic taught us how a small virus can bring the world to a halt. However, scientists came together and developed multiple vaccines at a record pace to help restart the world. This was possible only due to the scientific knowledge we have painfully collected over the past decades. At Descign AI, we believe science holds the key to solving some of the biggest issues facing mankind – infectious diseases, food and water shortages, pollution. Unfortunately, this key is locked away and breakthroughs come at a snail pace. This is largely due to very high infrastructure and knowledge barriers to doing research.
The Descign AI team has experienced these barriers and wants to disrupt the status quo by removing all barriers to doing research, so every scientific idea can find a home. We want a world where stopping climate change, improving health and prolonging life are not just happy thoughts, but an achievable goal. To make this future a reality, we are on a mission to build a platform which can democratize and decentralize research. Our platform allows scientists to design, manage and scale their entire research workflows, with their research partners globally. Simply put – A collaboration tool for scientists.